It is inevitable that organic and inorganic contaminants that can be transmitted from people in swimming pools contaminate the water. The fact that this pollution does not cause any health problems is one of the priority issues of all swimming pool businesses and owners. For this reason, the methods used in the cleaning of pools are based on chemicals.

Pool chemicals are substances used to destroy disease-causing microorganisms and to increase pool cleanliness and efficiency. The most commonly used pool chemicals are chlorine and bromine. Bromine is a chemical that is mostly preferred in hot water pools. Chlorine is preferred in indoor and outdoor pools. It is also used in pool cleaning in addition to substances such as pH reducer, liquid agglomerate, algae remover. The pH reducer helps to maintain the pH balance of the pool.

Thanks to these substances used for pool disinfection, diseases that can be transmitted due to the pool are prevented. The factor that is important in the use of substances is T.C. It uses appropriate amounts within the parameters given by the Ministry of Health. When pool chlorine is given in the pool water, all bacteria, fungi and viruses in the pool water do not die immediately. For this, the use of other auxiliary chemicals is also necessary. Weekly use of algae inhibitor is necessary for the pool water to be healthy.

In order to get the best efficiency from disinfection, the pH values ​​of the pool water should be between 7.2-7.6. Before disinfection, the pH value of the pool water should be adjusted and disinfection should be done afterwards. Chlorine value should be between 1.0-3.0 for outdoor pools and 1.0-2.0 for indoor pools. These values ​​are very important for human health, it is necessary to look at these values ​​and if there is a deficiency, add chemicals to the pool by dosing, if the values ​​are high, the entry to the pool should be stopped until the values ​​return to normal.

These values ​​are the foremost parameters, apart from these, the parameter values ​​determined by the Ministry of Health should be measured periodically by laboratories licensed by the Ministry, and the necessary information should be reported to the responsible manager of the pool and recorded in the pool analysis book.


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